Manukorihi Golf Club President
Welcome to Golfing in 2024
Greetings to you all and a warm welcome to golfing in 2024. Our Club is again fortunate to have an active committee working to improve all aspects of the course and facilities.
Firstly, and most importantly, a big thank-you to our course team and a great group of keen volunteers who work so hard to ensure that our course continues to be in top condition for members and visiting players alike.
I am sure everyone appreciates the various course and facilities improvement projects progressed over the last few years, which include greens rejuvenation, sprinkler system upgrades, new hole signage, refurbishment of the men’s amenities block, installation of a new chiller unit for the bar and the long overdue sealing of our car park. In addition, some key course maintenance equipment has been purchased to ensure the course can continue to be maintained in top condition. This all helps to provide for the successful hosting of a range of tournaments and competitions at Manukorihi.
Sincere thanks to all who help out in so many ways to ensure our Club continues to be in good health: it is very rewarding to get so many positive comments from members and visitors.
All the best to everyone for golfing in 2024.
Club President
Richard Crowe