News Letter

Club Captains Report
On Saturday 8th September we had the Men’s Top Dog Qualifying, Round Two.
The course and greens were in the best condition that we have played on this year, which is a credit to Paul and his staff.
Top Qualifiers for the Mens Top Dog: Kerry Edgcombe / Martin Nobbs 150 Combined Stableford Points, followed by Shane / Robert 148 , Gary / Peter 145 , David / Steve 144, JR / Barry 138 , Richie / Sausage 133 , Greg / Robin 130, , Ian / Phil 117 , Mike L / John V 107 , Ace / Big Al 102 , Tony / Jamie 95.
The next round is Saturday 15th September.
The Format is Stableford (Highest Combined Team Stableford Wins the Hole )
The draw for the Men’s Top Dog knockout competition is posted in the clubrooms and attached to this newsletter.
There are some byes in the first round of the knockout competition because of uneven team numbers.
Men’s Saturday Haggle Voucher Winners: David Butler 43 , Darryl Baird 41 , Nathan Loppy 41 , Kerry Edgcombe 41 , Don Bowers 40 , Ian Titter 39 , Robbie Busing 39 , John Van Der Leeden 39.
There were two twos on Saturday: Kerry Edgcombe 7th , Darryl Baird 7th ( Three balls each on the board ).
Raffle Results: Xavier Clarkson , Bryan.B , Big Al , Pauline.D , Marie , JR , Kath , Martin.N.
Note From The Match Committee.
On Saturday Club Days the Men should all Tee off the 1st Tee.
We have had men starting on the 13th & 15th Tees and they are getting caught up by the ladies.
Please be courteous to each other and stick to the rules as we are all out there to enjoy our games of golf on a club day.
Thank You.
Steven Voyle.
Manukorihi Club Captain.
Le Dejeuner Catering Wednesday Club.
A great day at Manukorihi for the Wednesday lads, there was a good turn out as the sun shone over the course.
The best of the day was Phil Wilson by lot with a +7 from David Butler, John Vanders +5, Robert Middleton, Geoff Peters and Dave Yates +4, Rob Fraser and Cliff Oxenham finished the day with +3, the Russian stableford of 92, Phil Wilson and Cliff Oxenham. There were 2s by Gary Crawford and Kerry Edgcombe.
Greg Fowler picks up the wooden spoon with a -6. The flights for the Wednesday match play final next week are Carl Beale and Mike Letterman.
Le Dejeuner raffle winners, Tony Bromfield, Dave Yates and Geoff Peters pick up 2.
See you all next week.
See you all again next week.
Saturday Ladies
Our course is looking fantastic at the moment. A credit to those who do all the work. We all commented how nice it was not to have to clean mud & grass off our gear after the game for a change. We did however have to play in strong breezy conditions.
The competition for the day was Par. Marie Rayner didn’t lose a hole to the course and came in 6 up. Lesley Elliott also played well and finished 4 up. Both get a $5.00 voucher. Twos were drawn and went to Nicole Mancer and Kath Alvis. They both get a $5.00 voucher also.
Putting points went to : Joy East 3pts-28 putts, Fiona Rook 2pts-29 putts and Trish Crawford 1pt for 30 putts.
Frances Butler won the 9 Hole Putting competition with 15 putts.
This Saturday the 9 Holers competition is nett and the 18 Holers play Putter Up.
Tuesday Ladies
We started the day off with a bitter wind chill but eventually warmed up. Lesley and Marie had a great game with Lesley winning 3/2 to go thru to the final of Manukorihi Cup next week. She will play Joy East who went thru with Jo Foreman unfortunately having to default. Good luck for the final.
The other players played Par with Fay winning +6, great game. Twos were drawn with Kath and Jocelyn being the lucky recipients.
The 9 holers played Bing Bong Bango with Joan Marshall winning with 28 points, well done.
Norma Jane played Dot Colville in the 9 hole match with Norma taking the win. The final next week will be Norma v Dot Bowers, good luck.
The raffle this week was won by Frances Butler
Next week the starter is Robyn, 18 hole ladies play Hidden Holes and the 9 hole play starters Choice.
The final for 18 and 9 hole Manukorihi Cup will also be played.
Remember Trading Table and a committee meeting following golf.
Marie R
The Terms “Square Take Away”, “Square Club Face” & “Square Stance” can be very confusing to all Golfers.
The intention of every golfer is to hit the ball forward & the easiest way is if the “Club Face is Square at Impact.” To achieve this fact we stand “Square.” Toes level, hips & shoulders parallel with the intended flight of the ball, i.e. “Square.”
Now to explain a “Square Take-away,” is a little difficult so read this slowly & I’ll attempt to resolve a few misunderstandings.
We bend from the waist to allow us to create power whether it be 100 metre or 300. We turn on an angle, a tilted plane. When you take the club away to waist high the club face should look closed, but it is actually “Square” to the imaginary Plane of your swing or on the same angle as your spine !! Phew, hope you all got that, if not come for a lesson & I’ll put the kettle on for a “SQUARE CUP of COFFEE !!!”
Good Luck & Good Golfing
Professional John Garner.