News Letter

Club Captains Report
On Saturday 15th September we had the Top Eleven Teams Men’s Top Dog Competition.
The format is highest team combined stableford wins the hole.
We had byes in the first week after qualifying because of uneven team numbers.
The rest had a Saturday Haggle the Format was Stableford.
Results & Voucher winners: David Butler 45 , Kerry Edgcombe 45 , John Davey 43 , Robbie Busing 43 , Austin Wood 42 , Ace Se’e 42 , Michael Loppy 42 , Ian Titter 42.
There were seven twos on Saturday: Robbie Busing 3rd ,Brendon Dew 3rd , Paul Clarkson 3rd , G, Tantrum 5th , Kerry Edgcombe 7th , Xavi Clarkson 11th , Ace Se’e 15th. ( One Ball Each On The Board ).
Raffle Results: Bing , Ace , David.B , B. Mullin , Nicole , Brendon Dew , John Strong , Robert , Pooch.
This Saturday 22nd September we have the Top Dog Top Eight Quarter Finals (Combined Stableford ).
The Rest will have a Saturday Haggle and the Format will be Stableford.
The money that was raised from the Lye Trophy was donated to Taranaki Hospice by the Lye family this year.
We raised $386.00 from both days so thanks to our members for their donations to this worthy cause.
On Sunday the 23rd September the Taranaki Top Club Competition is being played at the Inglewood Golf Club.
Manukorihi team this year is Senior: Bryan Bellamy , Intermediate: Steven Voyle , Junior: David Butler, Ladies: Joy East.
Thank You.
Steven Voyle.
Manukorihi Club Captain.
Vets Pennants
The first game of the Vets Pennants was played at Te Ngutu on Monday 17 Sept. in fine but windy conditions. The greens were very fast, making it tough for our guys.
Manukorihi (Yellow) played Inglewood (Black). Due to player unavailability Trevor had to take on two Inglewood players on his own, for which I am truly grateful. Geoff Peters & Peter Loppy had a loss, as did Trevor unsurprisingly. John Davey & Phil Wilson had a half.
Manukorihi (Black) played Urenui. Kevin & John Rayner had a win as did David Butler and Greg Fowler. David had stepped in for one player who was unavailable, which I do appreciate. John van der Leeden and Jim Newlove had a loss.
Well done to all players, with my grateful thanks.
Balls went to Phil Wilson, Trevor Hughes, John Rayner and David Butler .
Next Round at Inglewood on 29th October where Yellow play Fitzroy and Black play Westown (White).
Rod Andrews.
Le Dejeuner Catering Wednesday Club.
A great day at the Manukorihi course with a big turn out of players, We had the matchplay flights today between Mike Letterman and Carl Beale, Carl won on the 18th and gets a bag of chocolate fish for his effort. Other winners, Tony Bromfield 46 points, Cliff Oxenham 45, Robert Middleton, Carl Beale and Jamie Clarges 43 (Jamie also won the jackpot of $36.00), Barry Burns 42, Ivor Sarten, Austin Wood, Phil Wilson, Nathan Loppy and Brendon Dew finished the day with 41 points.
Ivor hit 14 of the 18 fairways. Michael O’Connell had the wooden spoon with 25 points. There were five 2s all at the 3rd, Mike Letterman, Cliff, Ivor, Phil Wilson and Jamie.
Le Dejeuner raffle winners, Jim Dawson, Geoff Peters, Tony Bromfield and Dave Yates picked up 2.
See you all again next week.
Saturday Ladies
Well done Dot Bowers winning the 9 Hole competition with a fantastic nett 29.
The Putter Up competition was won by Joy Andrews with 42 points. Nicole Mancer got the drawn two. Both get a $5.00 voucher.
Putting results: Nicole Mancer, Jo Broadmore, Joy East 3pts for 32 putts, Lesley Elliott 2pts for 33 putts and Trish Crawford 1pt for 36 putts.
This Saturday the 9 Hole comp is stableford and the 18 Holers will play Hidden Holes.
Tuesday Ladies
Another lovely day for golf and it was good to be back.
The 9 holers played their final for The Manukorihi Cup. Dot B won her match against Norma Jane 3/1. Congratulations Dot. The others played Nett, putting with a 5 iron in lieu of putter. Very difficult as the greens had just been cored!
Colleen won that game.
The 18 holers played Hidden holes with Joy A winning the $5 voucher with 41 sfd. Putting results were: Marie 3 pts for 28, Fay 2 pts for 32 and Jo and Joy A 1 pt for 34.
There were 3 2s : Marie on 7th, Joy A and Christine on 3rd so $5 each for you.
The raffle was won by Jo.
Next week we are playing Home Pennant and LGU and the starter is Jo.
Re starting: The starter has sole responsibility for the draw but a committee member may be asked for help if you are unsure.
Reflections From The Academy / Driving Range.
One of the most effective, yet totally under-used game improvers, a full length mirror or window !! Mirrors show you exactly how you are swinging as opposed to how you think you swing !! The feedback is immediate & factual. Posture, grip, alignment, take-away, your shoulder turn to the top of the backswing, all easily & clearly portrayed. You can even “slow mo” your down-swing !! Trying to copy the Basics of the Golf Swing is the sole reason we study magazines & monitor the Best Players on T.V. Mirrors make the game much easier & can help to improve your game !!
Good Luck & Good Golfing
Professional John Garner.