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Rules of the Manukorihi Golf Club (Inc)


RULES 2018

Rules of the Manukorihi Golf Club (Incorporated) Adopted by resolution of the members at an Annual General Meeting held at the club rooms Wills Road, Waitara on the Third Day of December 2018.

This revised copy of the Rules includes all amendments passed at General or Special meetings of the Club as of 3rd December 2018.


The Name of the Club shall be Manukorihi Golf Club (Incorporated).

(a) The Registered Office of the Club will be at the Clubhouse Wills Road Tikorangi or any other place decided by the Committee.


The Objects of the Club are:-

(a) To provide and maintain a high standard of facilities for the playing of golf, social activities or any other sport.

(b) To affiliate with any Society, Body, Association or Council having control of the

game of Golf in New Zealand or having similar objects or to join co-operate with or

subscribe to the funds of any such Society Body Association or Council for the

purpose of better attaining or furthering the objects or interests of the Club and its


(c) To purchase, take on, lease or exchange hire or otherwise acquire any real or personal property (including livestock) and any rights, privileges or easements necessary for the purpose of any of its objects.

(d) To sell improve manage develop cultivate exchange bail lease, sub-lease mortgage dispose of or turn to account or otherwise deal with the whole or any part of the real and personal property of the Club.

(e) To construct and maintain alter enlarge improve and adapt roads bridges reservoirs water courses pipes pumps and gates fences and other works that may be necessary for the attainment of any of the objects of the Club.

(f) To do all such other things as in the opinion of the Club may be an advantage to the members or incidental or conducive to the attainment of the foregoing objects.


The membership categories will be determined by resolution passed at any General Meeting. Ordinary, Nine Hole and Life Members alone shall be entitled to vote at General Meetings or upon any ballot or to take part in the management of the Club

a) A resolution of the General Meeting that creates any category of membership may restrict the playing rights of the members of such category.

b) Persons wishing to become members will be elected to the Club's membership list according to the procedures outlined in Clause 3(f).

c) The membership of the Club and the membership categories may from time to time be limited at the discretion of the Committee.

d) With the approval of the Committee members may from time to time choose to

change their membership category.

e) Each member shall from time to time communicate their address to the Secretary and all notices posted to or left at that address shall be deemed to have been duly delivered.

f) Membership Categories.

i) Ordinary Members.

 An Ordinary Member shall be deemed to be a member having full voting and

playing rights.

ii) Nine Hole Members

 A Nine Hole Member is a player admitted to membership under conditions

determined by the Committee from time to time. Nine Hole Members are

entitled to voting rights as an Ordinary Member as specified in these rules.

iii) Veteran Member

 A Veteran Member is an Ordinary Member who has attained the age of Sixty


iv) Life Members

 On the recommendation of the Committee an Ordinary Member who has been

an Ordinary Member of the Club for a period of ten years and upwards and on

the unanimous recommendation of the Committee any person other than an

Ordinary Member who has in the opinion of the Committee made an

outstanding contribution to the general welfare of the Club may be elected a

Life Member at any General Meeting of the Club by a majority of three-

fourths of members present.

 A Life Member is entitled to all the privileges of Ordinary Membership

without paying the annual subscription.

v) Junior Members

 Any person who is under the age of 20 years may be elected a Junior Member

of the Club. A Junior Member shall be entitled to all the privileges of

membership except that a Junior Member shall not be entitled to vote at any

meeting of the Club or to participate in any ballot.

 Any Junior Member who attains the age of 20 years will be transferred to the

category of Ordinary Membership

vi) Summer Members

 A Summer Member is a player who has been admitted to the Club for the time

that the Committee determines to be the summer period. A Summer Member

is entitled to the privileges of the Course and Clubhouse but is not entitled to

the rights of Ordinary Membership.

vii)Honorary Members

 Any person may be elected an Honorary Member by resolution of the

Committee for such period and upon payment of such amount as the

Committee may think fit. Any Honorary Member shall be entitled to use the

Club’s facilities and to play in any one season on the Club’s course and

without payment of green fees such number of rounds of golf as may from

time to time be fixed by the Committee PROVIDED HOWEVER that by

special invitation of the Committee Honorary Members may participate in a

Club competition.

g) Election of Members

i) Each candidate for admission as a member shall be proposed by one member and seconded by another by notice in writing signed by such proposer and seconder

and lodged with the Secretary or Treasurer. Both the proposer and seconder shall

if required by the Committee give the fullest information about the candidate. The

notice of nomination shall be accepted in writing by the candidate.

ii) The nomination will be considered by the Committee and if passed by a majority

vote the candidate will then become an enrolled member of the membership

category requested in the nomination form.

iii) Upon being elected the candidate shall be notified that he or she has been elected and that the appropriate subscription is payable. Until payment or payment

arrangements are made participation in any of the privileges of the Club is

prohibited. If the subscription remains unpaid for a period of three calendar

months from the date of election of the candidate the election shall be void

h) Resignation of Members

i) Any member may resign their membership by delivery of a written resignation to

the Secretary or Treasurer but any member resigning without having paid the

subscription levies and dues for the current year shall remain liable for the same

and for all arrears (if any) due PROVIDED HOWEVER that the Committee may

from time to time at its discretion waive the whole or any part of the subscription

due from any such member so resigning.

ii) Any person ceasing to be a member of the Club whether by resignation expulsion or death or otherwise shall thereupon forfeit all rights and interests in the affairs and property of the Club other than rights and interests as the holder of any

debentures or other form of security issued by the Club

i) Misconduct of Members

i) The Committee may at its discretion refuse membership to any person. Should

any member wilfully infringe these rules or any Club By-Laws or engage in any

unsportsmanlike conduct or act in a manner detrimental to the interest of the club

the Committee shall have the power to;

 Suspend a member for a set period of time or expel the member from the Club.

 Make annual subscription levies and dues payable by a suspended member

during the period of suspension and seek restitution for any damage done to

Club property or assets by a suspended or expelled member.

ii) Prior to exercising any of the foregoing powers in relation to a member a

Committee Meeting will be convened to consider the complaint regarding

misconduct by a member. The member will be given at least seven days notice in

writing of such meeting and of the grounds for the complaint so that the member

may be present and heard at the meeting.

 If the member does not attend then without having heard the member the

Committee may suspend or expel the member.

 The member involved in the complaint will be advised in writing of the

Committee's decision regarding the complaint.


The Officers shall consist of Ordinary and Life Members and shall be a President, two Vice Presidents, a Men's Captain, a Women's Captain, a Secretary and a Treasurer who shall be elected by the general body of members having voting powers at each Annual General Meeting and shall hold office until the Annual General Meeting following their election or until their successors are appointed when they shall retire but shall be eligible for re-election. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by one person.

a) The Officers of the club will be ex-officio members of all Committees and Sub-

Committees of the Club.

b) The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting by the general body of members having power to vote and shall hold office until the Annual General Meeting after their election.

i) The President, Vice Presidents, Men's Captain, Women's Captain, Secretary and a

Treasurer of the Club shall automatically be members of the Committee.

ii) The Course Convenor and at least five further members of the Club will be elected to the Committee. The Committee has the right to co-opt further members who will hold office until the next Annual General Meeting.

iii) The Committee shall immediately on its election appoint a Bar Convenor (who

need not necessarily be an existing Committee Member). The Bar Convenor shall

hold office until the next Annual General Meeting following appointment and

shall have full voting rights on the Committee.

c) Nominations for Officers and Committee shall be in writing proposed by an Ordinary or Life Member and seconded by another Ordinary or Life Member. Nominations

shall be accepted in writing by the candidates and delivered to the Secretary at least seven days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. As soon as convenient after receiving a nomination the Secretary shall display it in the Clubhouse.

d) Any casual vacancy occurring on the Committee shall be filled by an appointee of the Committee pending the next Annual General Meeting.

e) The Committee shall manage the affairs and business of the Club and may exercise all the powers of the Club which are not required by the Rules to be exercised only by or with the authority of the members in General Meeting or by the Advisory Committee.

f) At any Committee Meeting six members shall form a quorum. At any meeting of the Committee at which a quorum is not present the Members present may adjourn such meeting to such day within one calendar month as they may appoint.

g) The Committee shall cause to be prepared and kept proper minutes of its proceedings and records of membership and of all receipts and disbursements and balance sheets supported by vouchers and all usual and proper books and accounts and shall cause to be prepared and submitted to the Auditor a full and correct Balance Sheet for the affairs of the Club for the year ending on the 30th day of September in each year which shall be audited by the Auditor and together with a report on the activities for the previous year shall be submitted to the Annual General Meeting.

h) The President shall be the Chairman of all Committee Meetings provided that in his absence the Committee may elect as Chairman any other of its members.

i) In all respects other than provided by the Rules the Committee shall from time to time regulate its own proceedings.


The Committee may at its discretion create a Sub-Committee to manage or perform specified tasks. The Committee will specify the task to be undertaken and set the parameters within which the Sub-Committee may operate.

a) The Sub-Committee may be formed from Committee Members, Ordinary and Life

Members or a combination of both.

b) A report on any Sub-Committee's progress will be made to the monthly Committee Meeting. A Sub-Committee representative attending the meeting may make the report or a written report may be tabled.


The Advisory Committee shall consist of three Ordinary or Life Members appointed by an Annual General Meeting of the Club.

a) Each member of the Advisory Committee will hold office for a term of three years when they shall stand down but shall be eligible for re-election. One member of the Advisory Committee will stand down each year.

b) No member of the Advisory Committee may be an Officer or Committee Member of the Club.

c) Any casual vacancy occurring in the Advisory Committee shall be filled by an

appointee of the Advisory Committee. The Appointee will complete the term of

office created by the vacancy. The Appointee must be approved by the Club


d) The Advisory Committee shall have the power to appoint its own Chairman.


The Club in General Meeting shall from time to time determine the amounts of the annual subscription to be paid by each category of members other than Life or Honorary Members and the date upon which such subscriptions shall become payable.

a) Veteran Members who are 65 years of age and over will be entitled to a discounted subscription. The Committee will set the level of discount applicable to this membership category.

b) The Committee may from time to time at its discretion make such reduction in the subscriptions of newly elected members as it shall think fit.


The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held not later than the 15th day of

December in each year at such time and place as the Committee may determine for the purpose of electing Officers and Members of the Committee in place of those retiring and of transacting such other business as may be brought before it.

a) Such meeting shall be convened either by advertisement published once by electronic means available to members and by notice posted in the Clubhouse and in the Club's weekly news sheet and on the Club's website at least fourteen days prior to the date fixed for the meeting.

b) A Special General Meeting may be called by the Committee at any time and shall be called by the Secretary within seven (7) days after the receipt of a requisition in

writing signed by seven (7) Ordinary Members of the Club specifying the business to be discussed at such meeting. Notice of such meeting specifying the subject to be discussed thereat shall be given in manner provided by Clause 8a) of the Rules.

i) No business shall be transacted in any such Special General Meeting except that

of which notice shall be given.

c) At all General Meetings each Life and Ordinary Member shall have one vote only

which must be given personally. The mode of voting except whereby the Rules

provided to be by ballot shall in the first instance be by voice. If the Chairman’s

opinion as to the result be questioned by any member, then voting shall be either by a show of hands or by ballot as the Chairman may determine.

d) The President of the Club or in his absence a Vice-President or other senior officer of the Club shall take the chair at all General Meetings.

e) Twenty five members shall constitute a quorum at all General Meetings of the Club.

i) At any General Meeting at which a quorum shall not be present the members

present may adjourn such meeting to such a date within one calendar month as

they may appoint and notice of such adjournment shall be according to the

procedures laid out in Clause 8a).


The members present at any General Meeting may by resolution alter, add to or rescind these Rules and make new Rules provided that the notice of intention to so do has been given in accordance with the provisions of Clauses 8a) or 8b) hereof relative to the summoning of a General Meeting or Special General Meeting.

a) No addition or alteration of the aims, personal benefit clause or the winding up clause shall be made which affect the tax exempt status of the Club.

b) The provisions and effects of the clause shall not be removed from the document and shall be included and implied into any document replacing this document.


A Common Seal of the Club shall be provided and shall at all times remain in the care and custody of the Secretary. The Seal shall not be affixed to any instrument except in pursuance of a resolution of the Committee and in the presence of two members of the Committee or of one member thereof and the Secretary


The funds of the Club and the investment thereof shall be controlled by the Committee which may invest and deal with such funds as freely as if it were beneficially entitled provided that the Committee shall not:-

a) Be entitled to make any payment or investment greater than $10,000.00 or

i) Enter into any contract or agreement involving a payment greater than $10,000.00, or

ii) Dispose of any asset which has a value greater than $10,000.00.

b) Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 11a) i) ii), payments in excess of

$10,000.00 may be made by the Committee if:-

i) The Club, by resolution passed at an Annual General Meeting or a Special

Meeting properly called, agrees to an increased limit for payments, investments,

contracts, agreements or assets being sold, or

ii) The Committee obtains the written consent of the Advisory Committee to the

proposed payment, investment, contract, agreement, or asset sale.

c) If the Committee is unable to obtain the written consent of the Advisory Committee to a payment, investment, contract agreement or asset sale then it may submit the matter under consideration to an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting of the Club which shall consider the payment, investment, contract, agreement or sale of asset and may approve the same. The decision of the Club at its Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting shall be final


All monies received on behalf of the Club shall be paid into the banking account of the Club at the TSB Bank, Waitara or such other bank or banks as the Committee may from time to time decide upon. All payments shall be made by cheque or by the bank's electronic funds transfer system.

a) Cheques will be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by one other member of

the Committee appointed for that purpose.

b) Payments via the bank's electronic funds transfer system will be initiated by the

Treasurer and verified by one other member of the Committee appointed for that

purpose. One other member will be appointed by the Committee to act whenever the Treasurer or other Committee member is unavailable.


The Club may borrow or raise money or secure the payment of money now or hereafter owing or in the performance of any obligation or liability of the Club on such terms and in such manner as the Club thinks expedient and in particular may give and execute mortgages of and liens and charges on the real and personal property of the Club and issue debentures.

a) All or any of such powers may be exercised by the Committee at its discretion subject to the provisions of Rule 11.

b) The power to execute and give mortgages liens and charges and issue debentures shall be exercised by the Committee only in pursuance of a resolution of the Club in General Meeting.


a) The Committee may at its discretion make by-laws for the regulation of the

Clubhouse Grounds and Links and for the arrangement and control of games and


b) The Committee shall arrange and control all matches and competitions and its

decision on all points connected therewith shall be final. The Rules of the game of

Golf adopted from time to time by The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews

shall be observed except in so far as the same are modified by the By-Laws of the


c) The income and property of the Club shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the Objects of the Club and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to any member or other person claiming through such member.

d) The registered office of the Club shall be situated in The Clubhouse Wills Road


e) The colours of the Club shall be dark blue and light blue.

f) No member shall bring a dog into the Clubhouse or when requested so to do refuse to remove the dog from the Clubhouse.

g) All members of the Club shall be deemed to be bound by the Rules of the Club and by any resolution passed at any General Meeting.


If the Club is wound up:

a) The Club's debts, costs and liabilities shall be paid;

b) The surplus Money and Other Assets shall be distributed to: [see S.27 of the

Incorporated Societies Act 1908]

i) Any Taranaki Golf Club that, following a resolution passed by a General Meeting

of the Manukorihi Golf Club, the club agrees to amalgamate with. The Club that

Manukorihi Golf Club agrees to amalgamate with must be affiliated to the

Taranaki Golf Association and own the freehold title to the land that their golf

course is built on.

c) Failing an agreement to amalgamate with another club any surplus money and other unrealised assets are to be evenly divided by the Club's liquidator among the other Golf Clubs within the province of Taranaki that are affiliated with the Taranaki Golf Association.

d) No distribution of Money and/or other Assets may be made to any member of the Manukorihi Golf Club.

Appendix “A”




That the RULES of the Manukorihi Golf Club Registered on the 22nd March 1972 and any ensuing amendments be replaced by the RULES 2018.

We certify that this is a true copy of the Rules of the Manukorihi Golf Club

approved at the Annual General Meeting of members as of the 03.12.2018.

Signature of three members

Name ____________________ Signature __________________ Date __________

Name ____________________ Signature __________________ Date __________

Name ____________________ Signature __________________ Date __________

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