News Letter

Club Captains Report
On Saturday 20th October we had a Two Ball Best Ball Pairs Competition. The format was best nett from each pair for each hole.
The winners of the Two Ball Best Ball Pairs were the pair of Greg Fowler / Shane Weir Nett 56 followed by Trever Hughes / Rod Andrews 57 Nett & Michael Burkhart / Austin Wood Nett 59.
Saturday Haggle Results & Voucher Winners: Greg Fowler / Shane Weir Nett 56 – Michael Burkhart / Austin Wood Nett 59 – John Chandler / Barry Burns Nett 59 – Murray Peterson / John Davey Nett 59. Ian Titter / Jim Newlove Nett 60 – Paul Clarkson / Xavi Clarkson Nett 60.
There were Two Twos on Saturday by the King Of The Twos Ivor Sarten on the 5th and your Club Captain on the 3rd (Three Balls On The Board).
Raffle Results: Greg Fowler x 2 , Trevor Wood , Lee , Robin .B , Sue Nobbs , Wayne .B , Jo.B, Paul Fairhurst x 2.
This Saturday 27th October is the Club Shoot-Out Competition. 8am Tee off from the First Tee. The rest will have a Saturday Haggle and the Format will be Stableford. Tee Off Between 8am – 9am start on the 7th Tee. Tee Off after 9am start on the First Tee.
I will be away again this weekend in Auckland so have a great time in the Shoot-Out and I will see you all next week for the Men’s Tour.
Shootout 2018
Congratulations to the qualifiers for the Shootout final on the 27th November. Trevor Hughes was the big mover last Saturday and he has promoted himself to assistant chef.
The chefs will have the sausages simmering and the refreshments ready at the 10th tee while you wait for everyone to finish the first 9 holes and the 8 who will join Nathan and Trevor for the final 9 holes are sorted out.
The 10 players who go into the last nine knockout holes all tee off trying for their best possible nett score. When all players have putted out the scores are assessed and the highest nett score is eliminated and paid out. If there is a tie for last place a chip off takes place. Furthest from the pin is the loser. Note the longer you survive the greater the payout!!
The results and tee off times for the 27th are below. If you can't play please ring me 7547927 as soon as possible so that a replacement from the reserve list can be found.
Message from the President
The Manukorihi Golf Club Incorporated resolved at the last AGM meeting to revise and update the rules of the Manukorihi Golf Club,
This has been completed and passed by the Committee on the 15th October 2018,
There are draft copies of these rules in the club rooms for you to have a read of, please do not take them away, they have been published on the web site under the Club News tab.
The revised copy of the rules includes all past amendments and will be passed at the Manukorihi Golf Clubs AGM 3rd December 2018.
The Clubs AGM is only a few months away so there is a nomination form on the clubs notice board. The committee is looking for a men’s and ladies club captain, vice club captain, and committee members. If you think that you would enjoy the opportunity of being involved please have a chat to myself or any of our current committee members.
The club is looking for someone to take away the bottles weekly to the recycling in Waitara, this saves the club over $1500.00 in costs a year, if you can help please see JR.
Le Dejeuner Catering Wednesday Club.
Another great turn out for the day, a top effort from Dennis Elliott with 44 points. Dennis had a pick of 3 prizes from the treasure chest, also on 44 points, Kerry Edgcombe, Tony Pope and Greg Fowler. Trevor Hughes and Carl Beale both 43, Rod Andrews, John Chandler, Phil Wilson and Geoff Peters 42, Jim Dawson and Bob Crow 41 points, John Chandler hit 14 fairways from the tee. Twos by David Butler, Barry Burns and Kerry Edgcombe. Raffle winners Peter Loppy, Graeme Parsons, Don Bowers, Geoff Peters and Lee Mather.
See You next week
Saturday Ladies
The days competition was nett plus putts. Joy Andrews had a lovely game with a nett 64 +32 putts=96 and collected the days $5.00 voucher. Joy East chipped in on the 7th for a two and also collects a $5.00 voucher.Putting results: Joy East 3pts-26 putts, Nicole Mancer 2pts -27 putts and Kath Alvis & Lesley Elliott 1pt for 32 putts.Colleen Hoskins won the 9 hole competition with an excellent nett 33.This Saturday the competition is nett for 9 & 18 hole players. It is the last chance for putting and eclectic for the 18 hole ladies.
Tuesday Ladies
What a beautiful day for golf, sunny skies and light winds.
In the 9 Holers division Rhonda McF won the voucher with a Nett 33.
Putting results were: Dot B and Rhonda 3 pts for 15, Frances 2 pts for 16 and Joan and Dot C 1 pt for 18.
The 18 Holers played Nett and Jo with a Nett 67 and Helen W with a Nett 68 each get a $5 voucher.
Putting results were: Jo 3 pts for 28, Helen J 2 pts for 30 and Joy A 1 pt for 33 There were 2 2s so Helen J and Jo get a $5 voucher each.
The raffle was won by Robyn and the Chemist Voucher by Colleen.
Next week is Captains Choice and the starter is Mary.
Don't forget the raffles for our Xmas Hamper next week. All donations gratefully received. Thank you.
Ladies Open Christmas Hamper
This is on Friday 2nd November. There will be a 3 tee start at 9.30.
Manukorihi ladies please get your entries in to Helen Jenkins ASAP as we forgot to get them on Tuesday. Phone 06 7544517 or Email
Also if you would like to donate a raffle please bring it along next Tuesday.
The dreaded SLICE !!!
Everyone slices the ball at some stage in your golfing life, the secret is to control it. The practice area is where you learn to do this. Firstly understand WHY you slice!
1. The club face is coming across the ball, teachers call it the out-to-in swing path.
2. The fault is using too much effort from the “little body” at the start of the downswing & the head plus the body gets in front of the ball.
3. Also realise that if the body is moving faster through impact than the right hand the club face will usually be open.
4. The feeling should be that your hands square up the club face going PAST “little body” not the other way round. Sit in a chair & imagine holding a club, turn to your right as though making a backswing, now swing to the left.
There you have just seen the hands go over & past your body!
5. Take the effort out of your body & get that right hand PAST A STEADY HEAD!
6. Reverse this instruction for you Lefties.
Good Luck & Good Golfing
Professional John Garner.