News Letter

Club Captains Report
The 2018 Shoot Out was started with the weather threatening to make the day more of a challenge than was already setup for. It held off until all completed, just a couple of light showers which didn't affect some of the players that were chasing the prize money.
Nathan and Trevor were down on the 10th Tee block attempting to cook the BBQ, waiting to find the other eight challengers who were playing the front nine.
Nathan and Trevor were pleased to see Chef Butts turn up to make sure the sausages were cooked and bread buttered correctly.
The next eight were found with Shane Weir topping the group with a 30 nett and Austin and Bing just scrapping in with 34.5 net each.
The ten hopefuls teed off the 10th after a short gathering and bragging was completed. The first to drop off was Robin after a chip off with Vanders. JR was locating the area for chip offs and made sure skill was required to stay alive.
Vanders enjoyed the chip off so much he was involved in one on the next hole and he was the next to fall.
Playing the 12th hole next and Nathan’s back was against the wall with everyone else getting shots and he became the next man to fall.
Stroke hole one was the next hole to survive and there was a bit of unfortunate luck for Richie as he lost a ball. We think it stayed nestled in a tree, which with so many people on the hole following the play it was surprising that no one saw where it went, so Richie was against it from there on and didn't manage to make a comeback.
Austin dropped out on the fourteenth.
With half the field gone some followers started to cheer for their favorite player thinking they may get a cut of the winnings and Jo was on to Trevor Hughes bag like a flash. Bing was now the lowest handicap and giving the shots on the par 3 15th, once again it was like lamb to slaughter.
Going down the 16th Shane was the only survivor heading off on the boys trip and all the other tourists were putting pressure on him to stay alive. Well the pressure became too much and he lost a chip off.
We were down to three players going down 17th, Pooch who was driving the ball some distance all day, Greg Fowler who remained steady throughout and Trevor Hughes who was doing some very smart play on every hole he had played.
Pooch was the next to fall and with a respectable third place. Now we were down to two and Trevor continued to play smart golf not going for distance but keeping the ball in play out of trouble and that paid off winning the 2018 Shoot Out. WELL DONE.
Well done to all the players who took part on the day it was a great day, also a big Thank You to Ian Titter who looked after all the scores throughout the year. Butts and JR who were the judge jury and executioners for the day.
We all look forward to the 2019 Shoot Out.
A Message From the President.
The Manukorihi Golf Club Incorporated resolved at the last AGM meeting to revise and update the rules of the Manukorihi Golf Club,
This has been completed and passed by the Committee on the 15th October 2018,
There are draft copies of these rules in the club rooms for you to have a read of, please do not take them away, check the web site under Club News.
The revised copy of the rules includes all past amendments and will be passed at the Manukorihi Golf Clubs AGM 3rd December 2018.
The Clubs AGM is only a few months away so there is a nomination form on the clubs notice board. The committee is looking for a men’s and ladies club captain, vice club captain, and committee members. If you think that you would enjoy the opportunity of being involved, please have a chat to myself or any of our current committee members.
The club is looking for someone to take away the bottles weekly to the recycling in Waitara, this saves the club over $1500.00 in costs a year, if you can help please see JR.
The twilight on Thursdays are going well, sponsored by Taranaki Solar, many thanks Tony Pope. Our caterer Jan is doing meals that have been great. Tee times are from 4 to 6pm, $10.00 for a game, raffle and a draw in chase the ace.
Hope to see you there,
Le Dejeuner Catering Wednesday Club.
Another great turn out, lots of happy faces making their way to the tee. The highlight of the day was Phil Wilson having a hole in one at the 3rd. David Butler had one of his better games with 45 points, Ivor Sarten 42, Greg Fowler 41, Brendon Dew, 40, Robert Middleton, Rod Andrews, Graeme Parsons and Nathan Loppy all 39 points. Austin Wood and Teddy Danych 38. Phil Wilson, Bob Crow, John Chandler and Jamie Clarges finished the day with 37 points, Lee Mather had the only 2, Richard Crowe had 10 one putts by lot from Ivor. Kerry Edgcombe picked up the Wooden Spoon with 31 points,
Raffle winners, Don Bowers, Peter Loppy, Kerry Edgcombe, Jamie Clarges, John Chandler and Jim Dawson.
See You next week
Saturday Ladies
Unfortunately, after three ladies qualifying for the shootout they didn’t get thru to the final stage. Well done Nicole, Jo and Joy E for your participation this year. Good club spirit with Nicole and Trish keeping the dehydration to a minimum and Jo caddying for Trevor to help him take out the Shootout for 2018. Five ladies started their round but after 6 holes went inside to stay dry. Hopefully this Saturday gives us better playing conditions for us to carry on with our Top Dog round robin. Good luck to all matches.
M. R.
Tuesday Ladies
Day started off OK then after 8 holes the rain came down and never looked like stopping so we had a 12-hole hidden partners competition.
The vouchers were won by the two Joys with 50 stfd points.
Joy A also had a 2 on 7th so collects a $10 voucher for that.
The 9 Holers played stfd as well as the final of their TopDog which was won by Frances and Rhonda McF who defeated Dot B and Colleen. Frances also won the $5 voucher for best stfd.
Must have been Frances' day as she also won the 9 hole Chemist voucher .
Mary won the 18-hole Chemist voucher.
The raffle was won by Dot B and the starter next week is Helen J.
Don't forget next week is Melbourne Cup day and we will only play 9 holes with the 9 Holers. Dot B will be running the sweep as per usual. Thank you Dot, you do a great job.
Ladies Open Christmas Hamper
This is on Friday 2nd November. There will be a 3 tee start at 9.30.
Manukorihi ladies please get your entries in to Helen Jenkins ASAP as we forgot to get them on Tuesday. Phone 06 7544517 or Email
Also if you would like to donate a raffle please bring it along next Tuesday.
The “Big Hook.”The hook shot is a better shot than the slice only because it goes further, therefore using a lower club for the next shot, but like the slice it gets us into trouble !! Two points to check:
1. Direction. Lay a club down on the ground along your toe line, it should be parallel to the intended ball flight to target line. (the hooked shot the club will be pointing right of target)
2. The Grip is the other big fault which develops a Hook. Check that you only see 2 knuckles of the left hand (not 3 or 4)
And your 2 ‘ v ’s are pointing between your neck & the right shoulder. ( not below your right shoulder)
3. In changing your Grip please be patient as it will not feel comfortable for a while.
Ben Hogan used to say that it takes 500 attempts to make a grip change & if in that time the grip feels comfortable “ YOU AIN’T MADE THE CHANGE !! “
Good Luck & Good Golfing
Professional John Garner.