News Letter

Club Captains Report
On Saturday 24th November we had the Manukorihi Cup Round Two.
It was a bit of a washout with only a handful of hardy golfers turning up to play in the very wet spring conditions.
The Finals for the Manukorihi Cup will be played this Saturday 1st December.
On Sunday 25th November we had the New World Open Xmas Hamper at Manukorihi.

The weather was a lot better than Saturday and we managed to get most of the round in without rain, but the tail end of the field got a good old drenching in the afternoon.
We had a field of seventy golfers with a few pulling out in the morning because of the predicted weather conditions.
The course and greens where in a fantastic condition and we had some very positive comments on the course from visiting golfers from around the province.
Results Open Xmas Hamper:
Best Gross Over The Field: Nathan Lopusiewicz 72 Gross.
Division 1 ( 0 – 12 ) Nathan Loppy 44 , Bruce Taylor 43 , Robert Koot 42 , Paul Fairhurst 42 , Ivor Sarten 40 , Michael Owen 39.
Division 2 (13- 20 ) Geoffrey Peters 45 , Xavi Clarkson 41 , Steven Voyle 41 , John Raynor 41 , Peter Lopusiewicz 40 , Shane Weir 40 , Murray Peterson 39 , Gary Crawford 39 , Ian Johnson 39.
Division 3 ( 21-50 ) Cliff Oxenham 43 , Mike Letterman 43 , David Butler 41 , Robert Frazer 41 , Jim Newlove 39 , Phil Wilson 39 , Ted Danych 39 , Paul Clarkson 38.
Ladies: Joy East 39 , Lynne Rauputu 38 , Kim Woodwood 38.
Raffle Results No 1: John Vanders , Lofty ,Weasel , M.Owen , Jo.B , JR , PF/JR , Richie,R , Cliff Ox , Mike.L , Gary C , Sheree , Roger Cloke.
Raffle Results No 2: David Butler, Ricey , Pooch x 2 , Renette , John Chandler x 2 , Kingston , Lofty , JR , Ted.D , Greg Jans , Debra Johnson.
I would like to thank everyone that helped organize the day and also to Jan our caterer for the nice selection of tasty food that we had after our round.
I would also like to thank our resident professional John Garner for his help on the day with supplying some good advice and liquid refreshments to the field as well as promoting our sponsor New World Waitara.
This Saturday 1st December we have the Barry Brown Club Mini Hamper & Club Prize Giving.
This is a Mass Start at 9am.
Thank You.
Steven Voyle.
Manukorihi Club Captain
Rags for greenkeepers workshop wanted. i.e. old sheets and towels.
Any plastic bags to use for the raffle prizes.
Thanks John R
Lockers, Lockers, Lockers
Lockers available for 2019 for your golf gear. Lockers are lockable and key to office supplied all for $50 per year. See John R if interested.
Wednesday Club
A great turn out of players that enjoyed a day without the rain, Tony Bromfield had a great day after being away and not having any golf for seven weeks finished on +8, Ivor Sarten and Nathan Loppy both on +6, Carle Beale and Phil Wilson +5, Rod Andrews, Don Bowers and Bob Crow +4. Ivor had a round with only 25 putts, Kerry Edgcombe picks up the wooden spoon with a -7. There were six 2s from Robert Middleton, Carl Beale, Greg Fowler, Trevor Hughes, John Davey and Ivor.

Raffle winners, Colin, Don., Barry, Harry, Peter L, Dave Yates.
Wednesday Xmas hamper on the 12th December.
Saturday Ladies
There were a few tired legs after the trip away and some heavy rain which probably explains why no ladies played last Saturday. The Saturday Top Dog was won by Christine Ogle and Kath Alvis as the opposition conceded.
This Saturday is Club Closing Day, a mass start at 9.00.
The Summer Stableford competition starts next week. Start time to be decided. 9.00 or 9.30.
Tuesday Ladies
We played for the Presidents trophy today. Thank you Pauline for the lovely prizes. The competition was reduced to 12 holes as after about 5 holes, first the rain and then the hail came. We waited out the hail, trudged through the slush and carried on to play the 12 holes. Winners of the day were 1st division-Joy Andrews, 2nd division-Jocelyn Pretty and the 9 hole winner was Joan Marshall after a putt off with Frances Butler.Twos drawn were: Robyn Chamberlain and Joy East. Chemist vouchers were also drawn going to Dot Colville, Jo Broadmore and Sue Nobbs. The raffle was won by Helen Jenkins. Golf was followed by the AGM. Christine Ogle is our new President. Marie Rayner is now Secretary. Lesley Elliott-Club Captain and Joy East is Saturday Captain. Robyn Chamberlain is continuing as treasurer and Helen Watt as the handicapper. The committee is Helen Jenkins, Bev Hall and Helen Watt. Next Tuesday is a combined 9 &18 Hole competition followed by lunch and the prize giving.
2018 Ladies Golf Trip
Last week 18 ladies hit the road and off to Rangitira Golf Course. A wonderful course except for the heavy rain that welcomed us with 3 holes to play. Winners of the day were Renette Schultz with 39 points and the 9 hole winner was Rhondda Foreman with 21 points. Travelled onto Palmerston North to stay for 2 nights. The 9 hole ladies hit the shops and took in a movie while the 18 hole ladies played Palmerston North. Drizzle rain welcomed us but cleared to enjoy the course. Bev Hall took out the second day with 39 points. Happy hour was a lot of fun with Sheriff Fay taking money off most of the girls.
On the road home and stopping off at Marton Golf Course for a final round. Coral Allen won the 9 hole on a count back from Dot Bowers with 39 points and Renette was again the 18 hole winner with 41 points.
It was a pleasure to organise the trip this year and thank everyone for appreciating the work that goes into putting a trip together. I will look into planning a weekend trip for 2019 so any ideas contact me.
Until next year, Marie
Matchplay, do not be influenced by the oppositions “POWER,” their “CLOTHING” or the way they “CHATTER.” Yes, easy to say but difficult to do, but that’s Matchplay!
Focus on your game not theirs. Work out your route around the course not theirs. If they go Out of Bounds do not follow !
If they charge the ball past on the putting green, don’t follow.
If they come up short pay attention to the wind. LEARN to THINK don’t be INFLUENCED !!!
Good Luck & Good Golfing
Professional John Garner.