January 2019 Club Captains Report

Club Captains Report
Hello to all…
Welcome to my first club captain’s newsletter report (better late than never), thanks to JR and the team for covering me over the last couple of months as I have fitted in a new job etc.
Firstly, thanks to all the members who have taken up several roles on committees, bar and the clubs volunteers. Our club just won’t go ahead without these people giving up their own time and putting in the effort. The course… well, what can we say really! it’s a credit to Paul and Pop and all the helpers to achieve a very high standard and then to maintain it. The course looks great and a lot of comments are being made to that effect, let alone some of the scores that have been posted over the last few weeks.
So, thanks team much appreciated!
Last week’s results.
Well, we had some great weather and scoring with a couple of nets in the fifties (Robert ‘CHOPCHOP’ Butler has noticed and has sharpened the pencil) so the father son duo of Batman and Robin are in for the chop from their arch rival THE HANDICAPPER.
Purdie Cup finals.
Two fine warriors have made it into the final and are set to battle it out this week. Jim Newlove will need to show no love against the master of the Saturday night fever dance. Bing has learnt the art of using the dance move to tee off long and straight. Not only does it look good, but he took out Ivor ‘the arrow’ Sarten on Saturday to make the final. Good luck lads all the best.
Upcoming events.
Saturday 26th Is opening day and the famous first round for the Shootout comp so if you want in on this completion please see the boss (Ian Titter) thanks. The day kicks off at 9.30am mass start.
BUT WAIT THERES MORE …Turn up around 8.30 am and catch Ivor ‘the arrow’ Sarten donning the apron and cooking up a free snack before the start, then catch up with JR for a drink and enjoy the no fee free day. There will be plenty of raffles for you to buy on the day so bring your loose change as well. A mass start is the order of the day, so everyone will get a chance to mingle and meet each other and we should all be able to have a drink and chat at the end of the day. Please get into the spirit of the day and welcome all the new members and let’s show people what a good club we have.
Mellow Puff day.
Friday the 1st the course will be full all day and JC will be Busy behind the bar.
Saturday the 2nd round 2 for the shootout and the Barbara Sharrock mass start 8.30---9.30 the day is run on a stableford format.
Sunday the 3rd Foreman trophy time and the course is closed until after 2pm. Manukorihi is defending the title. At this point so far, it looks like we should have around 12 teams so that’s great news.
Pennants is getting close also so get your games going lads and all the best for the 2019-year thanks.
Thanks everyone, and good golfing for 2019
Your Club Captain Lofty