News Letter

Message from the President
Welcome to the 2019 season, to all new members, sponsors, current members and all new committee members. This Saturday 2nd February is a mass start at 9am.
This is a great opportunity to meet the 2019 committee, new members and a chance to catch up with all your club golfers. The course is in great condition thanks to our greens staff. We have lots happening over the next few weeks with the Mellowpuff Trust at Manukorihi on Friday 1st February. The Trust started 12 years ago at our course. On Sunday 3rd is the Foreman trophy, this is one of the oldest trophies played for in Taranaki. The Manukorihi course will be closed on Friday and until 2pm on Sunday. We have a few mass starts at the beginning of the season for members to mix and get to know your fellow golfers.
The Ladies have their Tuesday golf at 9am.
The New World Wednesday club is going well with great numbers, arrive at 9 for a 9 30am mass start. The Taranaki Sola twilight is on Thursdays evening from 4 to 6pm. We have good numbers and there are meals by our caterer Jan after your game. The chase the ace dollars are getting up for the lucky draw.
If you have a Friday afternoon free, some of the lads meet at midday for a round.
The new programme books are at the club for you to pick up. The programme is on the club’s web site as well. Your club tags will arrive mid-February.
In December the club received a grant of $20,000 from the TSB Community Trust to help go towards a new cart shed, although we are $20,000 short, there is an opportunity for those that have a cart, or looking to buy one in the near future, in buying a long-term lease, $1000.00 for five years.
The committee is putting together a weekly working bee, one day a week for around three hours, this could be on a Sunday or during the week, to help with all the small things around the club and course to keep the Manukorihi Golf Club looking at its best. There are some small projects the committee has targeted for the coming year. There is a wish list on the club notice board, if any of these jobs suit you please talk to John Rayner.
Many thanks to all those that help out at Manukorihi, all the little things add up to keeping Manukorihi in the wonderful condition that it is.
All the best for the coming year, sometimes the golf may not be at its best, or you have one of those miracle rounds, either way the Manukorihi Golf Club is at great place to be.
David Butler.
Message from the Treasurer
The 2019 membership subscriptions have now been issued. Please check your email inbox if you have an email registered with us otherwise please expect them in the mail over the next week.
The preferred payment method is by internet banking (see account details on your invoice) or by EFTPOS at the bar. If you have any queries please email Paul Rauputu at
Thank you for your continued support of our club. Happy golfing!
Club Captains Report
Hello to all. Welcome to my first club captain’s newsletter report (better late than never) Thanks to JR and the team for covering for me over the last couple of months as I have fitted in a new job etc. Firstly, thanks to all the members who have taken up the roles on committees and bar and the volunteers. The club just won’t go ahead without these people around, giving their own time and efforts. The course… well what can we say really …. it’s a credit to Paul and Pop and the helpers to achieve a very high standard and maintain it, the place looks great and a lot of comments are being made to that effect, let alone some of the scores that have been posted over the last few weeks. So, thanks team, much appreciated.
Last Few week’s results.
Well, we had some great weather and scoring with a couple of nets in the fifties (Robert CHOP CHOP Butler has noticed and has sharpened his pencil) so the father son duo of Batman and Robin are in for the chop from their arch rival THE HANDI CAPPER.
Purdie Cup finals.
Two fine warriors have made it into the final and are set to battle it out this week. Jim Newlove will need to show no love against the master of the Saturday night fever dance. Bing has learnt the art of using the dance move to tee off …long and straight. Not only does it look good, but he took out Ivor the arrow Sarten on Saturday to make the final. Good luck lads all the best.
Weekend just gone.
Saturday 26th was opening day and the famous first round for the shootout comp, so hope all went well. Don’t forget to pass your entry onto the boss (IAN TITTER). Thanks to Ian for running this again. The day kicked off at 9.30am with a mass start, after a snack at 8.30am cooked buy Ivor the arrow Sarten, who was donning the apron with his side-kick mate, the Lopsta. I hope you all caught up with JR for a drink and enjoyed the free day. There were plenty of raffles for you to buy, so hope you had a win and took home some goodies. A mass start was the order of the day, so everyone had a chance to mingle and meet each other. By finishing the round together, you all would have had a chance to have a drink (or two... Gary Crawford and Co) and chat about the day’s play. Hope you all got into the day and welcomed all the new members and showed people what a good club we have. Congratulations to all winners and a very good 53 points from the Mr. Pope, who must have had some help from above, great scoring.
Opening Day was a great summers day with a good turnout of current and new members.
Comp for the day was a freebee with plenty of raffles up for grabs.
All players played for Best Gross, Nett and Stableford (Bridge Cup) over the field.
Best Gross Ivor Sartan 69
Best Nett Helen Jenkins 59
Best Stableford the improving Tony Pope 53 (Bridge Cup)
Best 9 Holer Ronda Foreman 25
Followed by many other winners of stableford.
There were also 11 twos scored receiving a ball each.
The Summer Matchplay Final (Purdie Cup) was also played with Peter Bingham winning over Jim Newlove in a close match.
There were nineteen others that walked away with raffle prizes.
Let’s all follow up this weekend with a Mass Start at 9am, the Barbara Sharrock.
Good Golfing M.C.
Mellowpuff Trust day. Friday the 1st.
The course will be full…. all day, and JC will be busy behind the bar. Thanks JC.
Saturday the 2nd Feb
Round 2 for the shootout and the Barbara Sharrock mass start 9AM tee off. The day is run on a stableford format.
Sunday the 3rd Foreman Trophy time… and the course is closed until after 2pm. Manukorihi is defending the title. So far, looks like we should have around 12 teams so that’s great news.
Pennants is getting close as well so get your games going lads and all the best for the 2019-year. Thanks.
Please check out the web-site and Facebook page. Check out the upcoming dates and news. Thanks to BIG MIKE and Lipstick Jamie for updating the sites.
Thanks, and good golfing for 2019
Your Club Captain,
New Rules 2019

Wednesday Club

This is the first newsletter for the Wednesday club. Over the past weeks we have good numbers with some great scores as summer golf is knocking those handicaps down.
Division one, KingstonTaylor-Voyle won $15, with his round of 44 points, Phil Wilson and Austin Wood $10 with 43 and 41. Tony Bromfield $5 with 40.
Division Two, Don Bowers had 48 points (his gross was less than his age) and picked up $15. Trevor Hughes and Jim Newlove $10, for their 42. David Butler 41 for $5, Graeme Parsons, Tony Bouterey, Mervin Edgcombe and Wayne Beal 40 points for $5. Three twos, Kingston, Phil and Austin. Today we had hidden drawn partners, Phil Wilson was smiling when his drawn partner was Don Bowers winning with 91 points.
Raffle winners, Lee Mather, Wayne Beal, Jim Newlove, Kerry Edgcombe, Terry Prentice and David Butler.
Taranaki Solar Twilight. Thursday from 4pm to 6pm, Meals are available.
Saturday Ladies
Lovely to welcome Jacinta Harrison, Jude Mita and Sue Nobbs to our Saturday group of ladies. Plenty of competition now on Saturday’s for the coming season.
Congratulations to Sue Nobbs and Helen Jenkins who both had 49 stableford points on Opening Day.
This Saturday is also a mass start at 9.00.
Good luck to the Weekend Pennant team who start of the competition playing Kaitake at Hawera on Sunday.
Tuesday Ladies
How nice to be greeted with wine, juice and nibbles for our Ladies Opening Day. There was a good crowd and we all mixed up to play 9 holes. The competition was traffic lights and it nearly took the 9 holes to remember which tee we were supposed to be at. A lot of fun and the course had so much run it was amazing and the greens were beautiful. Must have been the wine to start with as there were some good scores. The winners were Jo, Mary, Rhondda F and Colleen who all received a mystery prize.
The lucky winner of the raffle was Kath.
We missed Dot C, who is in Palmerston at the moment, and wish her all the best for her treatment.
Next week we are playing The Mothers Plate and Grandmothers Trophy.
The starter is Fay.
Rolling 3 shots into 2 is the aim of all good Chippers. Earlier lessons give you help in how to address the ball & how to practice. To keep you improving go to a point 3 meters off the green & pick a spot 1/3 in front & place a coin on the green so you have 2/3 still to go. Using more coins make a large circle around the coin, the size of a “dustbin lid.” Using your running club, the 8 Iron, and try to drop the ball on the first bounce into the circle. You will notice that the ball will roll approximately 2/3’s of the way towards the flag. A little further on a fast green or less on a slower one. When you use the Pitching Wedge calculate about 2/3’s through the air & 1/3 roll. With a little bit of practice you can become A Good Chipper & Roll those 3 shots into 2 !!!
Good Luck & Good Golfing
Professional John Garner.