News Letter

Club Captains Report
Hello to all. Hope we are all enjoying our golf. Let's get started, Saturday sore (Editor’s note: obviously no improvement from last week, there must be ointment for it!!) the Captain’s split sixes and fun was had by all, so that was good to see. The Shoot-out is ticking along so that's good, don't forget to see the Boss, Ian Titter, if you want to get in on it.
Do not forget your handicaps are frozen for the Stroke-play over the next 3 weeks followed by the Match-play champs. Pennants come back at Mania (Ed note: still mad in Manaia) as well, so a few busy months coming up so good golfing everybody.
Special note to all ...PLEASE... please keep up the pace of play as we head into some big weeks and if you think you have hit one out or into one of our ball gobblers another off the tee and save time by NOT having to go back to tee it up again. New rules .... you only have 3 minutes to look for a lost ball. If you only have a tap in putt you can finish it first if you want to and you can leave the flag in when you putt. There are a lot of little things we can do to keep the pace ticking along.
Please go to Taranaki golf web site and go to the menu, look up the latest news tab, search for 2019 rules, and watch the small video clips on the new rules, thanks.
Please see the club website as there is some changes to the calendar to come, thanks.
You can also see the weekend events etc so check it out.
Subs are due, so can we please make arrangements / payments thanks.
Below is the link to the R&A visual search. This covers the new rules with explanations and video clips.
The R&A - Working for Golf
Wednesday Club

My apologies for lack of reporting last week. In retirement, time just seems to pass you on by.
A huge congratulations to Geoff Peters who nailed the ultimate shot on Hole #3 last Wednesday. Well done Geoff for your first hole-in-one and keeping your head together to score 42 points for a second placing to Tony Bromfield with 43 points. Second division to Tony Pope with 45 points over Wayne Beal with 44 points.
Today’s play was cancelled due to much wanted water falling from the sky. So good to see the course almost instantly turning green. A great job done by Paul to JUST keep enough water on the greens and look out Popie as you lose all that run.
See u all back next Wednesday teeing off 9.15 am
Editor’s Note: Sorry to hear there was a bit of rain in Taranaki yesterday. Clear blue skies and 30deg in Perth!!
Taranaki Solar Twilight. Thursday from 4pm to 6pm, Meals are available.
Saturday Ladies
It was a lot of fun playing Split Sixes last Saturday. We all played from places we would not usually get ourselves into, but this made for an interesting and fun game. This Saturday the Saturday Ladies play the 1st round of Nancy McCormick Foursomes. The Tuesday pairing of Marie Rayner and Helen Watt have posted a challenging total over the 2 rounds so we will need our best golf if we are to be in with a chance.
The 9 Hole Ladies will play Bisque Par.
Tuesday Ladies
Another perfect day for golf and the course was lovely after the rain. Once again Marie and Helen W cleaned up the 18 Holers with a nett 66.5 for the 2nd round of the Nancy McCormick and win a $5 voucher each.
The 9 Holers competition was won by Dot B with 22 shots for her short game.
Putting results for you were, Dot B 3 pts for 17, Frances & Joan 2 pts for 18 and Colleen 1 pt for 22.
The 2s were drawn and Rhonda McF and Robyn were the lucky voucher winners.
Must be Rhonda's lucky day as she won the raffle too.
Next week we have the Aotearoa Cup, Coronation Cup, Vets Trophy and best gross.
The starter is Joy A.
Many thanks to the helpers who wielded secateurs as the Aggies look much better.
ONE – ARMED PRACTICE will improve your Game but most of all your “YOUR FEEL.” Using your left arm or your right arm only for putting, chipping or an 8 Iron full swing develops the necessary “feeling“ of using your Hands & Arms. If you don’t - you won’t hit the ball !!! It’s what I call forced learning. You have to use your hands & arms properly. Take putting, you have to work your hands as one unit “togetherness.” YOU CAN’T BE WRISTY & hole the putt. In chipping you must have your hands “leading,” otherwise you’ll duff the shot !! In the full swing using the 8 Iron (from a tee please, its just easier, you’ll find out why ??? ) The left arm is the WIDTH of your swing & also your RHYTHM. The right is the POWER & THE PATH of your swing. When you try this be careful not to overdo it, 5 balls with 1 hand then 5 balls with the other. REST & repeat once more, that’s all in 1 day otherwise you can hurt your wrists & elbows or shoulders. Just try it & see how difficult it is to keep a “Steady Head” & a “QUIET BODY.” ONE – ARM PRACTICE will improve your game, if you are PATIENT ???
Good Luck & Good Golfing.
Professional John Garner.
Good Luck & Good Golfing
Professional John Garner.