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News Letter

Club Captains Report

Hello to all.

Hello to all. Welcome to the match play champs. Once again good weather and course.

Some members have mentioned that some players are not available for the finals. This is only my opinion but, if you can’t be there then think about giving the other guy the match so they can have a crack at the champs… I know it’s not law but that’s how I see it anyway.

So, as for results this week, well done to all winners and good luck in the next round lads.

This week was the Caterer’s Choice (hidden holes). Just so happened that Chop Chop BUTLER had the lowest score on ALL OF THOSE FOUR HOLES,.,., FUNNY THAT. The comp was a bit of fun and was a good day. Winners in division 1 (0-18) were Gazza Johnson 33, THE ROCK Fairhurst 32 and The Boss, Ian Titter on 32. Second division was The Pope on 34, Rod Andrews on 33, and Ross Gall on 33, so well-done teams keep it up. Well done to The Rock, he rolled over and squashed the Lopsta in their match and rolls on.

General news: Car parking …can we please use car park and NOT park in front of cart sheds and please keep the entry to the course track clear as well please. We are trying to keep the spot outside the sliding door by the bar side of the club house for the bar manager as he is in out a lot with beers etc. JC really needs that spot most of the time so if we can stay in the car park main area that would be much appreciated.

Please use the path when going to the 6th / 12th tees and don’t cut across the tee blocks either-way thanks.

New putting green works; this has been started so should be good when done.

We are going to have a new promotion on Sundays over the winter months and we are calling it FUN DAY SUNDAY at 10-dollar green fees for the day. We are after some marketing ideas to promote the club’s profile so please if you have any ideas get them in.


1. PRICE IS NOW $4.00 AND TWOS $1.50, everything else the same.

2. We will be trying TWO starter sheets, hcps OF 0-18 DIVISON ONE and 19-UP DIVISON TWO so there will be TWO SHEETS. Please put your name on the correct sheet. This is to help speed up the working out at the end of the day.

I won’t be there Saturday as my boy is racing at Manfeild in the NZ drifting champs’ finals, so going to support the young fella. Good golfing to all. Thanks to JR for filling in FOR ME AGAIN. LOVE YOU JOHNNY XXXX

Thanks, and good golfing.

Your Club Captain Lofty.

Club Captains Report 27/4/2019

Yet again the predicted weather moved right around us at Manukorihi

with just a little wind to contend with. The club Champs have moved on to find semifinalists, hopefully for next week. Congratulations to all those that have made it. 33 players took on the Stableford comp of the day with Richard Hamel taking Div 1 on 44 points. Michael Burkhart and Ross Gall taking Div 2 on 42 points.

Ross Gall hitting the Jackpot Twos on holes 5 & 11.

Other twos to Bing , Sarty, Mike Burkhart, & J.R.

10 very happy raffle winners walked out with prizes from 60 tickets sold.

Next Saturday will see the semi-finals roll out.

Pennant’s Shirts. Please return club shirts from pennants, washed please, thanks ...lofty

Thanks, and good golfing.

Your Club Captain Lofty.


33rd Annual Mixed Veteran’s Golf Tournament

Manukorihi Golf Club

Monday 22nd April to Friday 26th April 2019

Another successful Mixed Veteran’s Tournament is over.

The weather gods were very kind to us as the weather was ideal for golf even though the early starters on the Friday got a few spits. Who would have thought that after the downpour on the Sunday that golf would start on time on the Monday? The golfers have come to expect that our course will be well-presented and were not disappointed. All golfers appreciated the effort put into the course by our greens staff in that every green was mown on the 4 mornings that the matches were played as well has having the fairways mown when necessary during the week.

Thank you, Paul Fairhurst, David Soffe, and all the helpers that prepared the course. Our thanks to Kath Alvis, Dot Bowers, Trevor Hughes and Dennis Elliott for being tee-starters and to Joy Andrews in the starter’s office. To Rod Andrews, thanks again for becoming the clubhouse starter. This will now be a permanent role as with failing eyesight John Stuart has had to stand down from the committee and relinquish his involvement. He was involved since 2005. A special thanks to Helen Watt and Frances Butler for taking the twos and raffle money on Monday. Joy East and Lesley Elliott who inserted the card details into the machine. Also, a thank you to Jan in the kitchen for providing food; great chicken sandwiches.

The Field

We again had 3 full sections of 16 pairs. We were very pleased to have had 14 new names in the field which hopefully bodes well for our 2020 tournament that will be held from Monday 20th April through Friday 24th April, with ANZAC day being the Saturday and good Friday the 10th April. The rest day will be the Wednesday. The NZVGA Secretary/Treasurer Launa Seddon (Omanu) played in the tournament. As a Committee, we really appreciate the attendance of players from the association. The Taranaki secretary, Ian Johnston played and briefly spoke at the prize giving. Our first entry was received shortly after the clubs received our flyer and entry forms in late January. Like last year the field was full before closing date, in fact by late February and we had a waiting list. Close to start date we had to find a male replacement due to a medical event and we thank our member Rob Fraser for filling the gap.

Tied Matches

Over the first 3 days a couple of matches were tied after 18 holes which meant they had to continue from where they had started with the results being decided after an extra hole. On the Friday there was only 1 chip-off whereas we had 4 last year.

Regional Support

We are still fortunate to have players from a wide distribution of regions with the regions being represented with players from; Auckland 3 clubs, Bay of Plenty 5 clubs, Hawkes Bay 1 club, Manawatu/Wanganui 3 clubs, North Harbour 4 clubs, Northland 5 clubs, Taranaki 11 clubs, Waikato 7 clubs and Wellington 2 clubs. In all there were 41 clubs represented from all over the North Island.

Taranaki Support

Of the 96 players in the field the clubs within the Taranaki region were represented by; Manukorihi 18, Waitara 3, Westown 6, Inglewood 2, Te Ngutu 1, Kaitake 5, New Plymouth 2, Manaia 1, Tumahu 1 & Urenui 4.

Main Results

  1. Group A (the lowest handicaps); Garry and Sandra Payne (Howick) won with 4 wins. This was their 3rd win over the years; Kevin Southee (Fitzroy) and Joy East (Manukorihi), John Mohn (Riverside) and Raewyn MacMahon (Ngahinepouri), John Rayner (Manukorihi) and Ruth McKernan (New Plymouth), Jerry and Julia Kuggeleijn all had 3 wins.

  2. Group B; Ian Johnston (Westown) and Ann Braithwaite (Te Ngutu) won with 4 wins; Doug Nevard and Mary Halvorson (Castlecliff), Bruce and June Churchill (Linton Camp), Alan Coplestone (Inglewood) and Min Coplestone (Urenui), Ron and Colleen West (Sherwood Park) all had 3 wins.

  3. Group C; Lou Ramsdale and Marion Coleman (Urenui) won with 4 wins; Ted Danych (Manukorihi) and Pam Pasma (Sherwood Park), John and Heather Houston (Waihi), Alistair Linn (Westown) and Jennifer Braithwaite (Taumarunui), Jack Campbell (Waipu) and Marie Van Praagh (Waitara) all had 3 wins.

Twos & Handicaps

  1. It may be of interest that there were only 18 twos out of 1920 attempts compared to 24 last year and 27 the year before. Does this mean that the course got harder during the last 12 months or is age catching up? There were only 4 players who had 2 twos, these were our own Carl Beale, Alan Allsworth (Mahunga), Kevin Southee (Fitzroy) and Terry Tapp (Clarks Beach).

  2. The lowest Men’s handicaps were our own Darryl Baird on 3 and Paul Fairhurst on 6 with Terry Tapp (Clarks Beach) and Colin Harrison (Omanu) on 7. For the Women, Ann Braithwaite (Te Ngutu) was on 6 with Irene Roberts (Dunes) on 11 and our own Christine Ogle on 12.

Prize Giving

  1. The prize presentations for Group C under the name of Waitara Citizens & Services Club were carried out by Launa Seddon, the NZVGA Secretary/Treasurer.

  2. For Group B under the name of Methanex NZ Ltd the presentations were made by our committee member John Rayner deputising for our Club President, David Butler who was taking a well-earned holiday in the South Island after having only recently retired.

  3. For Section A Marie Rayner deputised for Sheryl Page due to a family illness and made the presentations to the section under the name of Harcourts Waitara. Sheryl is the owner of Harcourt’s Waitara and a long-time supporter of the tournament.


We have again been supported by our past sponsors, namely; Methanex, Waitara Town & Country Club, Harcourt’s Waitara, Raleigh Restaurant, Waitara Services and Citizens Club, Fitzroy Engineering Group, New Plymouth Top 10 Holiday Park, La Nuova Drycleaners, BP Waitara, New World Waitara and Intergroup. Without their continuing support the tournament may not be viable as the entry fee would have to be substantially increased.

Raffle Results

  1. This year Methanex provided various items viz; First aid kit, 3 collapsible deck chairs and picnic blankets that were raffled; -there were 7 winners. The Top 10 Holiday Park, Fitzroy provided a 1-year Top 10 membership voucher.

  2. The other sponsors also provide vouchers which were raffled. These winners were;

  3. Kathy Gower-Waitara, Min Coplestone-Urenui, Ray Friend-Kapiti, Ann Braithwaite-Te Ngutu, Faye Lack-Levin, Terry Tapp-Clarks Beach, Bruce Lewer Omokoroa, Alan Coplestone-Inglewood, Norm Lofthouse-Kaitake and Ron West-Sherwood Park.


Attached are photographs of our carpark showing the 12 powered sites as well as the unpowered sites being full. All the motor home/caravan players appreciated the tournament committee extending the area beyond powered sites. One benefit was a large attendance at the Tuesday night Pot Luck Dinner in the clubhouse.


  1. With John Stuart not going to be involved after this tournament he congratulates Melva Meuli and Marie Rayner for being great organisers and a pleasure to work with.

  2. Also, to all the golfers he has been involved with over the years a special thank you for adding to his life’s experiences.

It has been our pleasure to have organised the tournament.

Marie Rayner, Dennis Elliott, John Stuart


Wednesday Club

No play at Manu this week but reciprocal rights at Ngamotu resulted in a teams’ competition being played. Most of the Manu players acquitted themselves well and ended up second on the day by the narrowest of margins.



Saturday Ladies

There were a few black clouds around and while we did get a little bit of drizzle on Saturday, we managed to finish without getting wet.

The days competition was net for LGU & Home Pennant. Andrea Fraser won the 1st division and Joy Andrews won the 2nd division on C/B. They both get a $5.00 voucher. Fiona Rook put a beautiful tee shot on the 3rd green and had a lovely two. She gets a $10.00 voucher.

Putting points went to: Fiona Rook 3pts-26 putts. Jude Mita, Nicole Mancer & Lesley Elliott 2pts-31 putts and Kath Alvis & Joy East 1pt for 32 putts.

Dot Bowers was the best of the 9 Holers with nett 40.

This Saturday is the 1st round of Matchplay. The others will play stableford.

The Weekend Pennant team will play Manaia at New Plymouth on Sunday 5th May. Good luck ladies.

Tuesday Ladies

A bit of a nip in the air this morning but sunny skies with a brisk breeze. Nice to have 3 guys with us today, Rod, Geoff and John. Hope you enjoyed your day with the ladies.

The best of the 9 Holers was Dot who won the Net competition and a $5 voucher. Your putting results were: 3 pts for Dot, Joan and Colleen, 2 pts for Frances and 1 for Julie.

Pauline won the 1st division voucher with a nett 70 and Marie the 2nd with a net 73. Putting results were: 3 pts Rhonda for 28, 2 pts Pauline for 30 and Jo and Fay 1 for 32.

Christine chipped in for a lovely 2 on 15th and gets a $15 voucher for her effort and John also had a 2 on 15th but only won $3.

The raffle was won again by Rhonda, think I'll get you to take my ticket next week and the Chemist vouchers were won by Dot and Joy E.

Next week we start our Matchplay and the starter is Pauline.



ALWAYS SWING BACK SLOWLY. You never hit the ball on the backswing so there is no need for speed or effort!! You hit the ball on the way down through the EFFORT & SPEED OF your HANDS & ARMS.

Jack Nicklaus once said “go back slowly & even that is NOT SLOW ENOUGH !!!”

Good Luck & Good Golfing.

Professional John Garner.

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