News Letter

Club Captains Report
Hello to all, .hope we are all enjoying our golf
Let's get started ….We continued on with the Joll Cup Matchplay and we should have the results this Saturday as to who is in the finals. Good luck to all.
Results from the stableford on Saturday were:
Division 1 ….Kevin (The Sausage) Mancer on 37 followed by Kerry big dog Edgecombe and Some short guy Lofty on 36. The Dart was back on form with two 2s and took the jackpot.
Division 2 ...Terry cemented his top place with a very good 42 points well done Terry, but he was not alone with an in form Jim Newlove holding him equal, well done Jim. These two were followed by Greg Fowler and Gary Fulton on 39, well done lads.
Note: We, the match committee, have made a change with the sweep on club day and now made it $5.00, and this includes 2s and the jack pot. Raffles are still extra at $2.00 each and we will trial this and see how we go over the next few months. This will help with cash up at the end of the day.
Quick note to all, if anyone is looking for a picket fence builder Chop Chop Butler is your man. He built a great 1 point fence over his round. We think he is starting to push out his handicap for the Christmas hampers.
Good golf this week to all.
Your Club Captain Lofty.
Boys Trip, Friday 1st, 2nd and 3rd November 2019.
Hi all, a reminder to all those that are coming on the boys’ trip in November. We need to make payments for accommodation and transport.
The total cost is $350.00 to be paid by August. Account number, TSB 15-3956-0654678-26 with your name please.
The cost includes golf at Waimarino, Turangi and Taumarunui. 2 nights at the Turangi Motor Lodge, meal on the Saturday night and transport.
So far we have 36 names, 40 will be the final number.
John Chandler.
Wednesday Club

A great day for the third round of Strokeplay with 35 players. The winner of the day was David Butler with a net 68, Barry Burns, Kerry Edgcombe, Trevor Hughes and Phil Daley all 69, Rod Andrews and Brain Rattenbury 70, Dave Yates, Peter Loppy and Robert Middleton 71. Dave Williams 72, Carl Beale, Robin Broadmore, John Chandler, Ivor Sarten and Austin Wood finished the day with 73. There were three twos, David Butler, Austin Wood and Wayne Kopu. A good day for the raffles with 10 draws, Ivor, Robert Middleton, Don Bowers, Blue, JR, Dave Yates, John Chandler, Barry Burns and Jim Newlove picked up 2.
As the dot golf was down today, I don’t have an update on those that are in the running for the Strokeplay, I will let you know before we tee off next week.
From the course staff.
There has been a lot of work done on the left of the 3rd green, firewood for next season. We have some avocado trees going there that have been donated by Duncan Elliott. We are looking for some ground cover plants to go around them.
Also we would like to plant more citrus trees along the 9th tee. Oranges’, grapefruit and mandarins. If anyone has some or would like to donate some, please see Jim Newlove or Paul Fairhurst.
Many Thanks.
Message from the Secretary
2020 Club Positions
You might think this is far too early to think about 2020 but as in the past we feel as a committee this needs to have members put thought into this process.
This years committee wants members to seriously consider whether you as a member can make a difference and stand on committee.
Meetings are once a month and job descriptions are available on request if you feel passionate about your club and could bring new ideas to make our club strive and move ahead.
The Treasurer job will be vacant. This is a major vacancy and Paul is willing to discuss details if you feel this job is one you would love to take on.
The success to date is because of the passion the current committee have put into our club but new blood is always a positive to go forward.
Marie Rayner
Saturday Ladies
Winter golfing conditions on Saturday and a real chill in the air. The Hidden Partners competition was won by Joy Andrews and Jo Broadmore with a total of 72 stableford. Jo Foreman & Andrea Fraser both had a two on the 3rd.They all get $5.00 vouchers.
Putting points went to: Nicole Mancer 3pts-27 putts, Lesley Elliott 2pts=28 putts and Jo Broadmore & Andrea Fraser 1pt each for 30 putts.
This Saturdays competition is the 1st round of the RSA Trophy-medal.
Tuesday Ladies
Not too bad a day, just a few niggly showers going across.
Lesley and Robyn both won a voucher with the best stfd and the 2s were drawn with Christine and Robyn being the lucky ones.
Putting results were: Fay & Robyn 3 pts for 27, Jo 2 pts for 31 & Joy A 1 for 32.
Lesley won the raffle.
Next week we are playing Hidden Partners and the starter is Jo.
Always hold your BALANCE, simple to say, not always easy to do especially when you are holding the “big dog.” An exercise to test your balance would be to swing a 7 iron standing with your feet together & try to hit the ball.
If you fall over you are putting too much effort into the swing from your “little body,” & you should be using your hands & arms more !!! Doing it properly you will be “feeling that you are HOLDING YOUR BALANCE.”
Good Luck & Good Golfing.
Professional John Garner.