News Letter

Club Captains Report
Hello to all. Hope we are enjoying our golf …..well more so than myself.
Firstly, well done Paul Fairhurst for sneaking a win over Jim Newlove in the flight of the Joll Cup. Main Final is teed up for this weekend.
Last week we changed it up a bit with 2BBB and stableford as something a bit different and seemed to go ok, so congratulations to all winners and commiserations to myself and Robert.
This week we have hidden holes so all the best for that. Please remember to repair pitch marks on the greens and keep our greens smooth thanks.
Coming up is the Lye Trophy mass start on 3rd August 09.30am round 1, and further down the track the mixed top dog and top dog is coming so get ready. There are some competitions sheets up on the board with the Masters and Ambrose at other clubs coming. We have our Kiwi Butcher comp coming up Sunday 25th August so keep an eye out for that.
Thanks to Ian Titter for the work he has done on the voucher front etc. Looks good
Thanks, and good golfing.
Your Club Captain Lofty.
Boys Trip, Friday 1st, 2nd and 3rd November 2019.
I have 14 people paid up and several that have made part payments. There is also a payment made with no details (is that you?). I would appreciate all payments in by end of August please as I need confirmed numbers.
A/C # TSB 15-39560654678-26.
Thanks JC.
Bar Roster July
Sat 27th Nicole M.
Sun 28th. Marie R
Sat 3rd JR, Sun 4th, JC, Sat 10th John V, Sun 11th Joy E, Sat 17th Shane W, Sun 18th Marie R. Sat 24th Nicole M, Sun 25th Joy/Ken/Marie.
If unavailable, please find a replacement before contacting JC.
Wednesday Club

This was the first round of the Wednesday Matchplay. A great turn out on a lovely fine spring day, again the course in top condition,
Well done to the winners, with the lads playing the best net on each hole. There were a few close games.
Division One was John Rayner with +2, Tony Bromfield and Geoff Peters having – 1.
Division Two with a score of +4 went to Phil Wilson. Jim Newlove, Austin Wood and Dave Yates all +1, Robin Broadmore, Bob Crow and Lee Mather all finished square. Jamie Clarges had a two at the 3rd, And Peter Loppy had twos at the 3rd and 15th to pick up the jackpot of nine golf balls.
Raffle winners, Don Bowers, John Vanders, Wayne Kopu, Trevor Hughes, John Chandler, David Butler, Barry Burns, Dave Yates and Lee Mather picked up two.
Second round of Matchplay next week the 31st.
(Editors Note: due to family bereavement I will be overseas for the next 3 weeks but as I was thrashed by Phil Wilson in the 1st round my presence should not be missed!)
Message from the Secretary
2020 Club Positions
You might think this is far too early to think about 2020 but as in the past we feel as a committee this needs to have members put thought into this process.
This years committee wants members to seriously consider whether you as a member can make a difference and stand on committee.
Meetings are once a month and job descriptions are available on request if you feel passionate about your club and could bring new ideas to make our club strive and move ahead.
The Treasurer job will be vacant. This is a major vacancy and Paul is willing to discuss details if you feel this job is one you would love to take on.
The success to date is because of the passion the current committee have put into our club but new blood is always a positive to go forward.
Marie Rayner
Saturday Ladies
Jackets on/jackets off, umbrellas up/umbrellas down/hot/cold, how strange can the weather be? However, we got our golf played without getting wet.
The days competition was net for the 2nd round of the RSA Trophy. The winners for the day were: Jo Foreman net 72 and Jo Broadmore net 71. Both get a $5.00 voucher. Twos were drawn for Joy East & Trish Crawford who both get a $5.00 voucher also. Joy East was the winner of the RSA Trophy over the 2 rounds with a total of 146 net.
Putting points went to: Joy East 3pts-30 putts, Lesley Elliott& Nicole Mancer 2pts-31 putts and Andrea Fraser 1pt for 33 putts.
This Saturday is LGU, Home Pennant & Bleakley Tray Rnd 3.
Tuesday Ladies
What a cracker of a day for golf, blue skies, sunshine and a gentle breeze. Magnolias, Camellias and some Rhodos flowering, spring is on its way.
The best of the 9 holers was Dot B. Your putting results were: Joan 3 pts for 15, Julie 2 pts for 16 and Dot 1 pt for 19.
Jo and Helen W won the vouchers for the day. Our putting results were : Pauline 3 pts for 26, Jo 2 pts for 29 and Helen W 1 pt for 33.
2s were drawn with the lucky ones being Christine and Jo and it was Jo’s day as she won the raffle too.
Next week is the first round of the Manukorihi Cup and Pauline is the starter.
TAKING YOUR TIME is a very important part of playing good consistent golf everything you do in your daily life reflects in the way you play THE GAME.
Talking, walking, even driving a car should be done smoothly so that it becomes a natural rhythm in your swing.
Arriving in good time to have a little warm up, feeling calm & ready to play. A good golfer is a boring golfer, down the fairway, up to the green, past the pin then into the hole.
EASY PAR. TAKING YOUR TIME on the backswing is ESSENTIAL because you “don’t hit it going back ONLY ON THE WAY DOWN !!!!” TAKE MORE TIME & become a BETTER GOLFER!
Good Luck & Good Golfing.
Professional John Garner.