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News Letter

Club Captains Report

Hello to all. Hope we are enjoying our golf.

Sorry this is only a quick report again this week...

Well done to the winners last week in the self-haggle. Brenden Dew came in with 43 points so well done there, great round. Small turn out from the lad’s side of things as the club boys’ trip was on and by all accounts went very well. Well done JC for putting all of that together. Look forward to some of the stories on Saturday.

This week we have the Captains Choice 2 man’s Ambrose. Please be there 8.30 am so we can make up the draw / teams and then after a mass start at 9 am. If you’re not at the draw you’re not in the competition… so, please be aware of that and also it is a MASS start so the course will be covered thanks.

For those who get up at 5 am in the morning ready for a 6.30 tee off. If you want to be in the Daily competitions (apart from mass starts)

There will be a sign-in sheet up ON THE BLACK BOARD BETWEEN THE CHANGING ROOMS so you can enter your names etc., thanks. We want early birds to enter the competitions, but not all of us are such early risers on the weekend (Lofty and some others). This is a good fix and covers everybody, thanks. When the rest of us get there, we shall collect the sheet and transfer names etc to the daily sheet. Hope this works. We will trial this for a few months and see how it goes, thanks.


Thanks to all of the volunteers that are out there during the week .With the effort that is going in the place is looking so good, and this is not just the fairways and greens …..its all the gardens and edging and generally keeping the place clean and tidy .All the gardens are looking great and are always weed free / trimmed etc… this helps complete the course to its high standard so thank you to all.

Thanks, and good golfing.

Your Club Captain Lofty.


Wednesday Club

Waitara New World

A great day for golf with lots of sunshine and the course looking in top condition. Greg Fowler and Jim Newlove were the winners of the day with 43 points, Graeme Parsons, Wayne Kopu and Phil Wilson all 41 points, Robert Middleton, Mike Letherman and Dave Williams all 40 points, Barry Burns, John Davey and Richard Crowe finished the day with 39. Colin Upson had the only two at the 11th, Rodney Jupp was the closet to the 7th pin.

Raffle winners, Colin Upson, Geoff Peters, Jim Newlove, John Chandler, Wayne Kopu, Kerry Edgcombe, and Phil Daley picked up two.



Players toilet on the course.

The Manukorihi Golf Club has added a toilet located at the green keepers shed between the Men’s and the Ladies 16th tee. Many thanks to Greg Fowler and Colin Upson for their time to put it all together and their helpers as needed. Thanks to Christine Ogle for the paving stones for the outside.

AGM, 2nd December at 7pm.

The clubs AGM is not far away. There is a Nomination sheet on the notice board. If you would like to be involved in the running of the Manukorihi Golf Club please add your name to one of the positions that are available.

Pest control at Manukorihi.

The Manukorihi Golf Club is going to do more pest control on the course. We are buying some DOC approved traps for this and would like someone to look after and record what we catch. This would be something that would have to be on a weekly basis.

If you are interested, please see one of the committee or Paul Fairhurst.

50 years at Manukorihi Golf Club.

This coming Easter the Manukorihi Golf Club will have been at our current course at Wills Road for 50 years, the Club was founded in 1904. We will be looking for a subcommittee to help run the Saturday and Sunday.

We are looking at the history of the club, so if you have anything that may help us, photos, stories that will be of interest please let me know. Also, we are looking for Programme Books, we are missing a lot from 2006 to 2018.

Many Thanks.

David Butler.

Vets Pennants

Played at Te Ngutu on 4 November 2019 in perfect conditions on an excellent course. Unfortunately, not the results we have been used to.

Manukorihi Yellow played Fitzroy. Robert Middleton (net 77) and Wayne Kopu (net 73) had a draw on the 18th.Peter Lopusiewicz (net 71) and Phil Wilson (net 73) had a loss. Dave Williams (net 72) and Trevor Hughes (net 71) had a loss on the 18th.

Manukorihi Black played Westown White. Toko Waitere (net 72) and John Rayner (net 72) had a draw. John Chandler (net 74) and Jim Newlove (net 66) had a win. Richard Crowe (net 76) and Colin Upson (net 85) had a loss.

Phil Wilson had as two. Balls went to Toko, JR, Jim Newlove, Peter Lopusiewicz, Dave sand Trevor.

Final round is at Westown on 2/12/19 (reserve day 16/12/19). Yellow play Urenui and Black plays Inglewood Red.

See you on the tee.

Rod A.


Please print off the flyer and put up at your workplace.


Taranaki Golf Information Update/Planner for 2020

The following points are designed to help clubs provide the necessary information required to help put together next year’s programme and to provide you with the paperwork required for the upcoming AGM etc. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

  • Club Contacts: Please forward details of your 2020 Officers of the Club and their contact details on the contact information sheet at the end of this document.

  • Pennant Entries: Entries for the Men’s and Women’s 2020 pennant competitions have been already sent out separately.

  • Taranaki Junior Development and Pee Wee Squad Nominations - 2020. Nomination forms have been sent separately and need to be returned to Murray Martin. Please note golfers selected for the TGA Academy shall be notified individually.

  • AGM Agenda Items. Clubs wishing to put forward items for the Agenda are required to do so by Friday 22nd November 2019. All items are to be received in writing and signed by the club secretary or a nominated officer of the club.

  • Club Information on the Website. Clubs are asked to check that the information on the TGA website is correct and up to date. Details of contacts, membership costs, green fees etc. Please visit

  • Re: Taranaki Golf Association - Election of Officers

As per the Taranaki Golf rules, written nominations are required for the following:


  1. Four positions available with a minimum of one member from each gender

Men’s Committee

  1. President- (Board Member)

  2. Vice-President

  3. Up to six other members

Women’s Committee

  1. President-(Board Member)

  2. Vice-President

  3. Up to 8 other members Please note nomination forms for the Women’s Committee have been sent out separately.


  • Nominations for positions to be forwarded to the TGA by Wednesday 27th November 2019. A list of Nominations will be sent to clubs within 10 days prior to the AGM.

  • If a vote is required for any of the positions these will be held at the AGM.

  • Annual General Meeting – Inglewood Golf Club – Thursday 12th December 2019 commencing at 6:30pm. (Clubs are asked to note who their appointed delegates will be for the purposes of voting at the AGM -2 per club)

Nick Northam - Executive Officer - Taranaki Golf Association


Saturday Ladies

How nice to play golf when there is no wind, the sun is shining and the birds are singing. Congratulations to Trish Crawford & Fiona Rook who both played great golf and won the final of the Saturday Top Dog over Jo Broadmore & Andrea Fraser. The others played Par and Nicole with 5up won the days $5.00 voucher. Lesley chipped in for 2 on the 3rd and gets a $10.00 voucher. Marie won the drawn chemist voucher.

This Saturday is a mass start, 2 person ambrose. Tee off 9.00.





The Waggle!

We all have a personal way of getting started, to hit the ball. Some of us waggle the wrists, others prefer to have a stiffer routine either with the arms or even from the shoulders. And then there’s the number of times that you do your 'thing'

Well, whatever you do is fine BUT you make sure that you do it every time!

Gary Player used to push his right knee in to get started.

Jack Nicklaus turned his head slightly to his right.

Rory McIlroy straightens his right arm, which I personally don’t like because most golfer’s would get blocked off on the way back but it doesn’t seem to affect him.

(perhaps I’d better try it!)

Get yourself a way to get started, & do it every time with all the clubs. I’ll be watching that Waggle !!!

Good Luck & Good Golfing.

Professional John Garner.

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