News Letter

Club Captains Report
Hello to all. Hope we are enjoying our golf.
Well done to the winners last week in the 1st round of the Manukorihi Cup.
There will need to be some good golf to even get close to the top 3 as Gary Tiger Fulton played out of his skin with 47 points. Well done Gary. Shane Weir was next with 45 and John Davey snuck in with a mere 43. Well done lads, great golf. Second round this weekend so let’s see if you guys can back it up…..
The Purdie Cup qualifying was also played with match-play starting in December.The top sixteen sheet will be up this week so have a look for your opponent. And just for the record, I have Gary, and he is only getting 32 shots FROM ME so let’s see how that goes? I do however blame Richard Crowe for putting me in that spot as he was the only one left Saturday to put me out of that spot. Thanks Richard.
Champion of Champions was held at Stratford with Darryl again winning best net in the seniors and Steve Voyle getting 5th in the juniors, and then ………along came BEATLE BOMB…. JR. But he did…to his credit do some networking for the extra Xmas Pop-up competition on December 15th.
Yes, that’s right, we have filled the Main Hamper so there is another on the 15th December. Same entry and prizes as the main one so contact JR and have a second go at getting a ham.
SPECIAL THANKS: Thanks to David Butler, our outgoing President after six years at the helm and Paul Rauputu (Treasurer) is having a rest as well. They are both a credit to the club and what they have achieved is outstanding. I have only been here a couple of years, but the time and effort these guys put in is only half seen by most. So, a big thanks Dave and Paul, enjoy the rest… Its people like yourselves that help clubs like ours succeed.
AGM 2ND DECEMBER. Don’t forget that we all have a say so please see if you can make it, bring up any issues etc. There is an open space in the Club Vice-Captain role so if you’re keen or want to put in for any of the positions please get your name in.
3 Dayer -INGLEWOOD, NP, WESTOWN looking for one more player 7 am tee off 27th, 28th, 29th December, catch up with 'Lofty', cheers.
Note to all, SLOW PLAY and some remedies at Manu.
Helpful tips the 5th hole is a play over hole team. So, if you’re there and you can let the following pack of wolves tee off… please let them do so. This keeps the pace of play up and with the Hampers coming up we all need to be aware of playing at a good speed.
So if you think your ball is in the trees / over the fence or close / possibly lost in the rough …please play a provisional until you’re sure as this keeps play moving.
Also 3 mins is the time to search for a lost ball. If your putt is just short and you can comfortably putt out, then go ahead…. just remember not to stand on others’ putting lines. Get ready at the next tee to go.
Thanks to all for this and enjoy the upcoming hampers.
Thanks, and good golfing.
Your Club Captain Lofty.
Wednesday Club

Waitara New World
A great day 30 players turned out to enjoy some fine weather.
The winners of division one was Kerry Edgcombe with a score of 45 points from Mike Letherman on 44, John Vanders and Geoff Peters both with 41 points.
Division two, again some high scores, with Richard Crowe the winner with 43 points, Dave Yates 42, Gary Fulton, Austin Wood and Tony Pope all 41 points, Pete Wills, Greg Fowler, Phil Wilson, Phil Daley and Teddy Danych all on 39 points.
Kerry had only 25 putts for his round to win the bacon.
There were six 2s by Teddy 7th, Austin 3rd, Richard 3rd, Greg F 11th, Dave Y 3rd, and Phil Wilson 3rd, all a ball each.
Raffle winners, Lee, Blue, JR, JC, Geoff P, Gary Fulton, Phil Daley, Helmuth Adams, Ivan Rangitonga and Trevor Hughes.
Wednesday Club Xmas Hamper will be on the 11th December.
Players toilet on the course.
The Manukorihi Golf Club has added a toilet located at the green keepers shed between the Men’s and the Ladies 16th tee. Many thanks to Greg Fowler and Colin Upson for their time to put it all together and their helpers as needed. Thanks to Christine Ogle for the paving stones for the outside.
AGM, 2nd December at 7pm.
The clubs AGM is not far away. There is a Nomination sheet on the notice board. If you would like to be involved in the running of the Manukorihi Golf Club please add your name to one of the positions that are available.
Pest control at Manukorihi.
The Manukorihi Golf Club is going to do more pest control on the course. We are buying some DOC approved traps for this and would like someone to look after and record what we catch. This would be something that would have to be on a weekly basis.
If you are interested, please see one of the committee or Paul Fairhurst.
50 years at Manukorihi Golf Club.
This coming Easter the Manukorihi Golf Club will have been at our current course at Wills Road for 50 years, the Club was founded in 1904. We will be looking for a subcommittee to help run the Saturday and Sunday.
We are looking at the history of the club, so if you have anything that may help us, photos, stories that will be of interest please let me know. Also, we are looking for Programme Books, we are missing a lot from 2006 to 2018.
Many Thanks.
David Butler.
Vets Pennants
Final round is at Westown on 2/12/19 (reserve day 16/12/19). Yellow play Urenui and Black plays Inglewood Red.
See you on the tee.
Rod A.
Please print off the flyer and put up at your workplace.

Saturday Ladies
Starter’s Choice was a stableford comp with a twist. Two holes were chosen, and we lost points on these. For some it was a big loss, others not so much.
Sue Nobbs had a lovely game and even losing points she still won the day’s comp. Lesley got the drawn two so they both get a $5.00 voucher.
This Saturday we play Bisque Par. Use your handicap shots when you choose to win, halve or lose a hole.
Nicole is the starter.
Tuesday Ladies
What a pleasure to be on the golf course today. It is in beautiful order thanks to Paul and his helpers even though the greens are somewhat suspect, but with all the slicing and work on them today hopefully they’ll improve.
Today we played for the Presidents Trophy which was won by Pauline and Jo with runners up Fay and Helen J.
The 9 holers was won by Terre. 2s were drawn with Fay and Jo being the lucky winners.
As you know next week is Closing Day so we will be playing 10 holes with the 9 holers and teeing off at 9.30.
Members are asked to bring a small plate for a shared lunch and don’t forget Secret Santa, (a gift to the value of $5.00 ).
Jo will be the starter.
The “ Big Hook.”
The hook shot is a better shot than the slice only because it goes further, therefore using a lower club for the next shot, but like the slice it gets us into trouble!! Two points to check:
1. Direction, Lay a club down on the ground along your toe line, it should be parallel to the intended ball flight to target line. (for the hooked shot the club will be pointing right of target).
2. The Grip, is the other big fault which develops a Hook. Check that you only see 2 knuckles of the left hand (not 3 or 4 !!) And your 2 ‘v’s are pointing between your neck & the right shoulder. (not below your right shoulder !!).
In changing your Grip please be patient as it will not feel comfortable for a while.
Ben Hogan used to say that it takes 500 attempts to make a grip change & if in that time the grip feels comfortable “YOU AIN’T MADE THE CHANGE!! “ Reverse the words right & left for you Lefties.
Good Luck & Good Golfing.
Professional John Garner.