News Letter

Club Captains Report
Club Captains Report.
Hello to all. Hope we enjoyed the fine weather and keep the suntan slapped on….
Once AGAIN Welcome to all the new members and everyone please make yourself known to the new members
The mass starts. We don’t have the twos or jackpot twos. But we are going to start that up and will have a $2-dollar entry cost to the twos including jack-pot twos for those who wish to try their luck so next mass start bring some change.
Well done to the winners of the Barbra Sharrock on Saturday.
Helen Watt and Rob Fraser took out the trophy so well done to you both.
This week sees the HONE HEKI CUP round 1 of 2 this is an eclectic so best nett per hole over two rounds. Let’s see if we can beat the dart this year team…..
Pennants teams have played their first round of the 2020 year and results as follows -
Seniors played at Hawera and NO WIN
They had a good win over Te-Ngutu 3.5 to 2.5 well done boys good first up result.
Manu 1 Went down 6 – 3 hard luck boys next week.
Manu 2 had a good win taking on the home team at Mania and got home 5.5 – 3.5 so that’s was a good win out there.
Next week Seniors and Manu 2 are at Westown and the Seniors take on NP White and Manu 2 Vs the cheese makers from Eltham.
Manu 1 at Opunake Vs Hawera so that’s a tough one out there and Gary keep your eyes on the game NOT the SHEEP.
Our Young up and coming star Kingston played again and is going very well.
Don’t forget folks subs due.
Also, can we all check the raffle sheet for meat packs to be picked up as they are in the freezer and it needs a clean out thanks.
Shoot out is up and running so please get you money into Ian Titter BEFORE YOUR ROUND… so you can be in …as your score won’t be counted if you haven’t paid or made arrangements with the Big Boss. Ian has some midyear comps for the shoot-out players so keep an eye out for that and this will give everyone one who enters a chance to win a little even if they don’t make the cut.
Cheers Ian for running this again top job as always…..
Thanks, and good golfing.
Your Club Captain Lofty.

Waitara New World Wednesday Club
Golf every Wednesday at 9am for a mass start at 09: 30
$6.00 entry includes ‘twos’, Raffle are $2.00 each. Later in the year we have Stoke Play, Match Play and Top Dog. There are around 30 plus that turn up, any one is welcome.
- We are looking for someone to look after the Wednesday haggle day, if your interested in helping out please see David Butler or John Rayner.
Results for Wednesday 12th Feb:
Division one: Wayne Kopu and Phil Wilson both had 41 points, John Rayner 39.
Division two: Richard Crowe 43 points, Jim Newlove 41, Dave Yates, Bob Crow, Austin Wood and Pete Wills all finished with 40 points.
Dave Yates had only 25 putts for his round; 12 of those were one putts. Phil Wilson had twos at the 5th and 15th, Wayne Kopu 11th and Nicole Mancer at the 15th.
Raffle winners: David Butler, Peter Loppy, Bill Wadsworth, Richard Crowe, Austin Wood, Rod Andrews X2, and Geoff Peters also had 2.
See you all there.
Tuesday Ladies
A good turnout of ladies to enjoy our first day of competition. A pleasant day and not too hot with lots of run so some good scores. Welcome to Marion and Teati, nice to see you playing with us again.
Our Pennant teams have started well with both the weekend and mid-week teams having wins and getting 2 pts. Well done girls.
The 9 holers played the Grandmothers Trophy which was won by Dot.
Putting results are: Rhondda 3 pts for 15, Colleen & Dot 2 pts for 16 & Coral 1 pt. for 19.
The 18 hole winners were, Fiona 1st division, Bev 2nd division & Joc 3rd division, a $5 voucher for each of you.
Putting results were: Pauline & Jo 3 pts for 30, Bev & Robyn 2 for 31 & Helen J 1 for 32.
2s were drawn with the lucky ones being Helen J, Joc & Jo, a $5 voucher each.
Kath was the winner of the raffle.
Next week we are playing 1st Round Sarten Trophy Ecl and the starter is Pauline.
Saturday Ladies
First round of the 2020 Ladies Pennants was played at Westown with Manukorihi playing Stratford. A few games went down to the wire, but the team had a win getting 2 points on the board.
Results were, Jude Mita W 1 up, Lesley Elliott W 2 up, Jo Broadmore W 1 up, Trish Crawford W 5/4 (great golfing Trish!) and Nicole Mancer with a half.
Well done ladies, great start to the competition, next game will be 23 Feb at Te Ngutu.
Please print off the flyer and put up at your workplace.

ALWAYS TRY to BRUSH THE TURF, if you do you will never top the ball!! Now read that again because all amateurs top the ball & it costs you shots every time. Easy for me to say but not always easy to do. A great routine is always to take 1 practice swing & try to brush the turf or take a divot. (It’s the same thing.) The practice swing is a rehearsal of what you are about to do, so by brushing the turf or taking a divot you are allowing the loft of the club to lift the ball. Do it on your practice swing you have given yourself every chance of doing the same swing on the ball. To improve – ALWAYS TRY to BRUSH THE TURF.
Good Luck & Good Golfing.
Professional John Garner.